Root Canal Therapy
Our staff at Neuse Dental Group is proficient at performing a wide range of procedures to improve our patients’ health and appearances. If you are in need of Root Canal, call today to learn how we can help.
Root canal treatment
Root canal treatment is needed for two main reasons. The first is infection. An untreated cavity is a common cause of pulp (nerve) infection. The second reason for a root canal is damage to the pulp that can’t be fixed. Trauma or a fractured tooth can damage the pulp. So can a lot of restoration, such as several fillings placed in the same tooth over a period of time.
Your tooth might need a root canal if:
- 1. It hurts when you bite down on it, touch it or push on it
- 2. It is sensitive to heat
- 3. It is sensitive to cold for more than a couple of seconds
- 4. There is swelling near the tooth
- 5. It is discolored (whether it hurts or not)
- 6. It is broken
To determine whether your tooth needs root canal treatment, your dentist will often place hot or cold substances against the tooth. The purpose is to see if it is more or less sensitive than a normal tooth. He or she will examine the tissues around the tooth and gently tap on the tooth to test for symptoms. You also will be given X-rays of the bone around the tooth. The X-rays may show a widening of the ligament that holds the tooth in place or a dark spot at the tip of the root. If either of these is present, your dentist probably will recommend a root canal procedure.